We provide holistic medical care services for students, their families and teaching staff. We provide a safe learning environment and the ability to provide immediate help in the event of a sudden deterioration in the health of our patients. Our care is holistic and provides support in all areas that affect the overall well-being of children and their loved ones.

Holistic health services for the school population
Description and Scope of Medical Services
Providing holistic health services for the American School of Warsaw population
- Staffing associated with providing minor medical and health related care to a school age and adult population and a full service health room located in the school.
- Serve as triage and referral agent for expanded medical care and services as required.
- Oversee record keeping and management of school-based health records.
- Provide guidance and coordination of health and wellbeing, including general illness diagnosis, individual care plans, emergency care plans, and infectious outbreak management and communication.
- Provide educational and prevention programs including regular health screening as per CDC recommendations.
- Organise vaccinations and other illness mitigation efforts as appropriate
- Provide consulting to ASW leadership and staff on the following components of WSCC model

Specifically, WarsawMED will consult on the following areas in the WSCC model
Physical Education and Physical Activity
- Encourage all students and staff to participate in physical activity, regardless of ability, unless health conditions prevent it.
Nutrition Environment and Services
- Ensure options for children with special dietary needs are available.
- Help manage the nutritional needs of students with chronic health conditions, including food allergies and diabetes, eating disorders inc. bulimia, anorexia etc.
- Help organise external resources to provide students with therapy if needed.
Health Education
- Make sure that students get a comprehensive health education that includes information on common chronic health conditions.
- Suggested topics:
- Wellbeing including: sleep, nutrition, stress management
- First Aid Training inc. AED use and hands on training for staff and students.
- Sexual and body image awareness sessions
- Awareness and prevention nicotine, alcohol and prohibited substances use.
- Provide webinars/ training for parents/guardians and staff regarding arising medical issues based on current needs. (1 hr webinars up to three per quarter)
Social and Emotional Climate
- Promote a positive school climate where respect is encouraged and students can seek help from trusted adults.
- Building awareness regarding diversity eg: health problems, sexuality, physical disability.
Physical Environment
- Provide a safe physical environment, both outside and inside school buildings, by ensuring proper cleaning, maintenance and ventilation and limiting exposure to chemicals and pollutants.
Counselling, Psychological, and Social Services
- Identify students with emotional, behavioral, mental health, or social needs.
- Refer students and families to school- and community-based counselling services.
- Help students with chronic health conditions during life transitions (changes in schools or family structure).
Employee Wellness
- Create a healthy work environment for staff.
- Encourage school staff to model healthy behaviours.
Community Involvement
- Involve local hospitals, university health departments, and other health organisations in school health initiatives.
- Organise access to health services for students with chronic health conditions.
Family Engagement
- Give parents/spouses opportunities to learn about chronic health conditions and school health services.
- Encourage families to participate in school-based programmes and activities that promote healthy behaviours.
Laboratory tests on site
For the convenience of our students and their families, we have prepared an offer of laboratory tests collected at the school’s nursing station.
We perform tests in a wide range of blood, urine, fecal samples, and even the unique method of dried blood spot (DBS).
The tests most frequently chosen by patients can be downloaded as a PDF file. If you are interested in a study not on this list, please contact us. Our full range of tests includes several thousand items.

Test categories available in our laboratory along with typical parameters
Basic and biochemistry
Urine analysis |
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) |
Complete blood count (CBC) full |
Prothrombin time |
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) |
Fibrinogen |
D-dimer (quantitative) |
Glucose |
Electrolytes (Na, K) |
Natrium |
Potassium |
Lipidogram (total cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, LDL, triglycerides) |
Total cholesterol |
HDL cholesterol |
LDL cholesterol |
Triglycerides |
Liver enzymes (ALT, AST, BIL, GGTP) |
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) |
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) |
Total bilirubin |
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGTP) |
Lipase |
Amylase |
Urea |
Creatinine |
Uric acid |
Total protein |
Albumin |
Proteinogram |
Iron |
Ferritin |
Total calcium |
Chlorides |
Inorganic phosphorus |
Magnesium |
Markers of inflammatory reactions and rheumatic diseases
C-reactive protein (CRP) quantitative |
Procalcitonin (quantitative) |
Antistreptolysin O |
Rheumatoid factor |
Rheumatoid factor hemagglutination test |
Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide |
Rheumatoid factor IgG |
Rheumatoid factor IgM |
Rheumatoid factor IgA |
Other hormones and metabolites
Cortisol |
Aldosterone |
Growth hormone |
Leptin |
Sex hormones
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) |
Luteinizing hormone (LH) |
Estradiol |
Progesterone |
Prolactin |
beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG) |
Free estriol |
Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) |
Androstendione |
Testosterone |
Free testosterone |
Platelets |
Reticulocytes |
Screening of anemia
Transferrin |
Vitamin B12 |
Folic acid |
Erythropoetin |
Screening of osteoporosis and bone disorders
Parathormone |
Calcitonin |
Osteocalcin |
Acidic phosphatase |
Vitamin D3 metabolite 1,25(OH)2 |
Vitamin D metabolite 25(OH) |
Screening of diabetes
Insulin resistance factor HOMA-IR |
HbA1c |
Fructosamine |
Insulin |
Screening of thyroid diseases
FT4 |
FT3 |
T4 |
T3 |
anti-TPO |
anti-TG |
TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb) |
Thyreoglobulin |
Cancer screening
Chromogranin A |
Total PSA |
Free PSA |
CA 125 |
CA 15-3 |
CA 19-9 |
Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC Ag) |
CA 72-4 |
BRCA1 mutations (16 mutations) |
Onco- and anti-neural antibody panel, Immunoblot |
PALB2 mutation (breast cancer) |
BRCA 2 mutations (3 mutations) |
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations |
BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2 mutations |
Screening for hypercholesterolemia and risk of heart disease
Creatinine kinase (CK) |
hs Troponin T |
Myoglobin |
N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide (NT proBNP) |
Homocysteine |
Urine tests
Urine calcium |
Urine inorganic phosphorus |
Urine magnesium |
Urine urea |
Urine creatinine |
Urine uric acid |
Urine natrium and potassium |
Urine chlorides |
Urine amylase |
Stool tests
Feces analysis |
Feces food remnants |
Feces parasites |
Feces G. lamblia (ELISA) |
Fecal immunochemical test (FIT) |
Feces rota- and adenoviruses |
Dried blood spot tests
Vitamin D metabolite 25(OH) |
The main reasons why it is worth vaccinating your child against influenza:
Vaccination protects your child against influenza and its serious complications, such as painful ear infections, bronchitis or pneumonia.
Thanks to vaccination, your child will not be a source of infection and will protect others incl. relatives who may have weaker immunity against influenza.
The flu vaccine is available as an injection or as a nasal spray.
Last season, among the reported cases and suspected cases of influenza, approximately 25% concerned children up to 4 years of age, and approximately 50% concerned children up to 15 years of age.
The flu vaccine can be administered at the same visit with any other vaccine.
The injectable vaccine contains purified flu virus proteins or killed flu viruses, while the intranasal vaccine contains weakened flu viruses. Therefore, vaccines cannot cause influenza. After vaccination, some people may experience mild and short-lasting side effects as a reaction to the vaccine.
The injectable vaccine can be given from the age of 6 months, and the intranasal vaccine can be given to the child from the age of 24 months until the child turns 18 years of age. A child who is under 9 years of age and has not yet received two doses of the flu vaccine (they do not have to be given in one season) should receive 2 doses given 4 weeks apart.
We vaccinate using:
Influvac Tetra (season 2023/2024) – vaccine for adults and children from 6 months of age, vaccine administered by intramuscular injection.
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
220 PLN.
Fluenz Tetra NASAL (season 2023 / 2024) – vaccine for children up to 18 years of age, administered as a nasal spray.
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
300 PLN.
Tick-borne encephalitis is an acute viral disease that is often associated with neurological complications. The source of infection can be the bite of an infected tick, occasionaly the virus can spread to people through eating or drinking raw milk or cheese from infected goats, sheep, or cows.
The disease may be asymptomatic, but some infected people may develop myelitis, meningitis, or encephalitis. It can lead to permanent neurological complications and even death.
Vaccination is currently the only effective way to protect oneself against this serious disease and its complications. Inactivated tick-borne encephalitis vaccines are available for adults and children. To effectively protect against infection, it is necessary to take 3 doses of primary vaccination and booster doses every 3-5 years.
The vaccination schedule consists of 3 primary doses. The first and second doses should be given 1 to 3 months apart. The third dose should be given 5 to 12 months after the second dose. 3 years after the third dose, the first booster dose is indicated. Subsequent booster doses should be administered every 5 years from the last booster dose.
To protect yourself and your family from tick-borne encephalitis, we invite you to participate in the vaccination campaign.
We vaccinate using:
FSME-IMMUN 0,5 ml – for adults and children over 16 years old
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
430 PLN (1 vaccine)
FSME- IMMUN 0,25 ml Junior – for children under 16 years old
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
400 PLN (1 vaccine)
The HPV vaccine helps protect against the development of future HPV-related cancers such as cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, anal cancer, and penile cancer. It’s recommended for children under 9 years old and people at higher risk from HPV. It can be administered at our medical center, WarsawMED.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) primarily causes skin changes in the genital area. There are approximately 150 types of HPV, most of them are harmless to humans, certain types can cause genital warts, while others can lead to dangerous cancer:
- In women: cervical cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer.
- In men: anal cancer, penile cancer, throat cancer, and oral cancer.
HPV infection most commonly occurs through sexual contact, however it usually has no symptoms.
In our clinic, we administer HPV vaccinations using the safe 9-valent Gardasil vaccine, which has expanded indications for vaccination approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to the Summary of Product Characteristics, this vaccine can be given to children aged > 9 years as well as to adults.
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification – 750 PLN (1 vaccine)
The vaccination schedule includes:
- 3 doses at 0, 2, and 6 months (for individuals > 14 years old and adults).
- 2 doses at 0 and 5-13 months (for children < 14 years old).
Who should get vaccinated against HPV?
HPV vaccination is not mandatory, but it is certainly recommended. It is particularly recommended before starting sexual activity, althought it can be performed at any age.It is important to remember that vaccinations are not limited to women. Men are often asymptomatic carriers of this virus, so they should also be vaccinated.
Before vaccination, additional effective documentation is necessary (załączmy jakiś link do pobrania). Completing the form before making an appointment streamlines the patient service proces
- Flu vaccine
The main reasons why it is worth vaccinating your child against influenza:
Vaccination protects your child against influenza and its serious complications, such as painful ear infections, bronchitis or pneumonia.2. PROTECTION OF PARENTS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS
Thanks to vaccination, your child will not be a source of infection and will protect others incl. relatives who may have weaker immunity against influenza.3. EASE OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE VACCINE
The flu vaccine is available as an injection or as a nasal spray.4. THE RISK OF DISEASE IS HIGH
Last season, among the reported cases and suspected cases of influenza, approximately 25% concerned children up to 4 years of age, and approximately 50% concerned children up to 15 years of age.5. VACCINES CAN BE ADMINISTRATED WITH OTHER VACCINES
The flu vaccine can be administered at the same visit with any other vaccine.6. VACCINES ARE SAFE
The injectable vaccine contains purified flu virus proteins or killed flu viruses, while the intranasal vaccine contains weakened flu viruses. Therefore, vaccines cannot cause influenza. After vaccination, some people may experience mild and short-lasting side effects as a reaction to the vaccine.VACCINATION SCHEDULE:
The injectable vaccine can be given from the age of 6 months, and the intranasal vaccine can be given to the child from the age of 24 months until the child turns 18 years of age. A child who is under 9 years of age and has not yet received two doses of the flu vaccine (they do not have to be given in one season) should receive 2 doses given 4 weeks apart.We vaccinate using:
Influvac Tetra (season 2023/2024) – vaccine for adults and children from 6 months of age, vaccine administered by intramuscular injection.
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
220 PLN.
Fluenz Tetra NASAL (season 2023 / 2024) – vaccine for children up to 18 years of age, administered as a nasal spray.
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
300 PLN.
- Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
Tick-borne encephalitis is an acute viral disease that is often associated with neurological complications. The source of infection can be the bite of an infected tick, occasionaly the virus can spread to people through eating or drinking raw milk or cheese from infected goats, sheep, or cows.
The disease may be asymptomatic, but some infected people may develop myelitis, meningitis, or encephalitis. It can lead to permanent neurological complications and even death.
Vaccination is currently the only effective way to protect oneself against this serious disease and its complications. Inactivated tick-borne encephalitis vaccines are available for adults and children. To effectively protect against infection, it is necessary to take 3 doses of primary vaccination and booster doses every 3-5 years.
The vaccination schedule consists of 3 primary doses. The first and second doses should be given 1 to 3 months apart. The third dose should be given 5 to 12 months after the second dose. 3 years after the third dose, the first booster dose is indicated. Subsequent booster doses should be administered every 5 years from the last booster dose.
To protect yourself and your family from tick-borne encephalitis, we invite you to participate in the vaccination campaign.
We vaccinate using:
FSME-IMMUN 0,5 ml – for adults and children over 16 years old
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
430 PLN (1 vaccine)
FSME- IMMUN 0,25 ml Junior – for children under 16 years old
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification:
400 PLN (1 vaccine)
- HPV vaccine
The HPV vaccine helps protect against the development of future HPV-related cancers such as cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, anal cancer, and penile cancer. It’s recommended for children under 9 years old and people at higher risk from HPV. It can be administered at our medical center, WarsawMED.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) primarily causes skin changes in the genital area. There are approximately 150 types of HPV, most of them are harmless to humans, certain types can cause genital warts, while others can lead to dangerous cancer:
- In women: cervical cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer.
- In men: anal cancer, penile cancer, throat cancer, and oral cancer.
HPV infection most commonly occurs through sexual contact, however it usually has no symptoms.
In our clinic, we administer HPV vaccinations using the safe 9-valent Gardasil vaccine, which has expanded indications for vaccination approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to the Summary of Product Characteristics, this vaccine can be given to children aged > 9 years as well as to adults.
The price of vaccination together with medical qualification – 750 PLN (1 vaccine)
The vaccination schedule includes:
- 3 doses at 0, 2, and 6 months (for individuals > 14 years old and adults).
- 2 doses at 0 and 5-13 months (for children < 14 years old).
Who should get vaccinated against HPV?
HPV vaccination is not mandatory, but it is certainly recommended. It is particularly recommended before starting sexual activity, althought it can be performed at any age.It is important to remember that vaccinations are not limited to women. Men are often asymptomatic carriers of this virus, so they should also be vaccinated.
Before vaccination, additional effective documentation is necessary (załączmy jakiś link do pobrania). Completing the form before making an appointment streamlines the patient service proces
Before vaccination, additional effective documentation is necessary. Completing the form before making an appointment streamlines the patient service process.
Our specialists
Dr Jarek Oleszczuk MD PhD
Jarek is a passionate healthcare professional and leader with experience in managing large organizations around the world as well as a budding entrepreneur.
Jarek began his career as a medical doctor in rural Poland serving underprivileged populations as a maternal-fetal medicine specialist.
Anna Sobolewska
She has many years of experience in managing the hospital and medical industry. Experience strengthened by MBA postgraduate studies for the Medical Staff of the Koźminski University. She specializes in management, organizational development, leadership and care for the quality of customer service.

Artur Gala
Artur is experienced paramedic with over 15 years of service in Poland and Great Britain. He has been employed in variety of medical establishments such as emergency services, hospitals, public and private healthcare. Artur has experience in schools and he used to work as a paramedic on film and TV sets. He speaks English and Spanish, while his native language is Polish. In his free time he likes to travel, paint and sports.
Aleksandra Kazimierczak
A very positive and charismatic paramedic. She likes working with children. She gained experience in providing first aid to children and, working as a paramedic, learned to work under pressure and make quick decisions.

Cezary Kostro-Olechowski
A paramedic and also studying nursing. She loves sports, especially water sports (swimming, windsurfing and sailing). For 8 years he was a swimming instructor.
His experience includes working in the Family Clinic, where he gained extensive experience in childcare and first aid. He has confidence in assessing wounds and injuries as well as assisting physicians with minor procedures.

Aleksandra Zinów
A paramedic by profession, she is about to graduate as nurse. At the same time, she works at the Primary Health Care Clinic, where she works with general practitioners and specialists such as an allergist, paediatrician and cardiologist. Her main duties include assisting doctors, taking blood samples and assessing injuries.

Karolina Harasimowicz
Dedicated and energetic paramedic with a solid history of achievement in London Ambulance Service and Hyper-acute Neurology Care Unit of King’s College Hospital London – UK. Karolina is motivated by health wellness of her patients with strong organisational and prioritisation abilities. Areas of expertise include emergency clinical diagnosis, compassionate interpersonal relationship with patients.
Izabela Grzelak
Izabela graduated as a paramedic from the Medical University of Warsaw. She has experience in working in hospitals, at mass events as medical security, with young people at camouflage camps and as a tutor. Her hobbies are horse riding, saber fighting and helping people.

Filip Stolarz
A paramedic working at the Warsaw Emergency Service for 3 years. Filip worked as a lifeguard before. He has an international pre-hospital care course certified by NAEMT. He gained his experience working witch children as a soccer coach during his studies. His free time, he spends at his home gym.
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